
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jonathan Greer takes on the role as director!

Jonathan Greer '12
November 21, 2011

Jonathan Greer, ’12, is beginning to take on his new role as director of the upcoming school production of the play The Proposal by Anton Chekhov. Greer has been an active member of the theater program since he was in seventh grade.
The play is about a landowner who goes to ask for his neighbor’s daughter’s hand in marriage. But conflicts arise between the landowner and the neighbor’s daughter. The play consists of three characters portrayed by seniors Matthew Silverman, Tim Olson, and Cara Messina.
When asked about his expectations for his first job as director, Jonathan Greer said, “I know directing the play is going to be difficult. But, it will be a learning experience.” Jonathan and Ms. Evans had chosen The Proposal because the play is a classic comedy. There are no official dates for the play, but make sure to keep an eye out for this upcoming performance.

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